
Abbott and Costello explain unemployment

The unemployment rate tends to understate how many people are actually out of work A PREVIOUS POST looked at the reasons why the reported unemployment rate in the USA tends to understate the “real” unemployment rate. To understand why this happens, here are a few equations which show how the formula for the unemployment rate […]


Sh*t happens: a birds eye view of economics

THIS is a very humorous and instructive (albeit PG rated) overview of economics. Here are the super-summary notes: 1. Microeconomics: The price of sh*t is determined by supply and demand. 2. Macroeconomics: Oh, sh*t! 3. Keynesian economics: Sh*t happens because of animal spirits. 4. Neo-keynesian economics: This sh*t is sticky. 5. Neo-classical synthesis: Sh*t happens in the […]


Short the market, but long on you

THE market may be down, but not you. Be bullish about the future.  Invest in yourself.  And stay hungry. Your stock will rise.


The Transmutability of Desire

Desire can change from one object to another YOU are most likely familiar with the marketing adage, “Sex sells”. The concept is a fairly simple one. Sex is a topic of interest because humans have a biological and instinctive desire to reproduce. This hard-wired desire is exploited by marketers to attract people’s attention and, at […]