
Celebrate, Motivate, Get Passionate

Three ideas for the new year.

1. Plan a Celebration

It is common at the turn of a new year to set “resolutions” for things you want to do, change, or achieve in your life.

The problem with new year’s resolutions is that, if they had been really important to you, you would have set them earlier without needing the new year as a prompt.

Achieving goals is more important than writing wish lists.

Instead of making a resolution, make a plan for a celebration you plan to have after your goal is achieved.

As Tom Peters has said, “celebrate what you want to see more of.”

2. Motivate Others

Zig Ziglar once said “people often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.”

It can sometimes be hard to find motivation because working towards a meaningful long term goal requires short term effort. Delayed gratification is not easy.

One way to increase your motivation is to try and motivate your family, friends and colleagues. Some of your positive energy will rub off on you.

A second reason to motivate others is that there is a limit to what you can achieve by yourself. In the long run, your success will be limited unless you can motivate and inspire other people to work with you and for you.

3. Get Passionate About A New Idea

Life is a wonderful journey.

Find a new idea, person or project to be passionate about, and set aside some time for your new passion each week.

There is no limit to what you can learn. However, for many people (especially if you are in the corporate world) their job requires them to carry out routine tasks which sap their energy or bore them half to death.

“The mind is not a vessel that needs filling, but wood that needs igniting.” (Plutarch)

Find something new to get excited about.

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