Lifestyle and Experiences

Merry Christmas!

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! During this festive season, we scale back our work obligations and make time for friends and family. Christmas is a season of gift giving. If you are a Christian, then this tradition holds special significance because it echoes the story of the gifts given by the three […]

Lifestyle and Experiences

Merry Christmas!

This year was a challenging year for many of us. Some of you may have lost your livelihoods, and you may know people who even lost their lives. For those of us lucky enough to be healthy and hard at work during 2020, we had to navigate a new and challenging environment; a loss of […]


Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Wishing you a happy holiday season! Thank you for being a reader of the Consulting Blog. We look forward to sharing with you more insights on consulting, strategy, and innovation during 2020. Christmas is a time of year to eat, drink, and be merry! Hopefully you will be able to take a break from your […]


The Gift of Giving

Merry Christmas to you, dear reader! This is a special time of year when people give gifts and send messages of happiness, peace and good will to family and friends. Christmas is a unique and valuable tradition because the practice of gift giving reminds us what life is all about. As social animals, our identity, survival and prosperity depends on being part […]


Two lessons we might learn from Christmas

For many of us, especially expectant young children, Christmas is a day of high expectations.  It can often fall short of the mark. Santa may have brought you an Xbox when you had desperately wanted a Playstation. Or perhaps you got a new Samsung tablet, when you were busting for the new iPad instead. It can be painful when reality falls dismally […]