Career Advice

Building a Foundation for your Next Journey

Each industry, company, and project team consists of people doing specific types of work. As you join a new firm or a new group within that firm you will need to leverage what you already know and be prepared to learn new things. You will have some time prior to accepting a new position when […]

B-School / Consulting Clubs

Why Getting Your MBA Gives You Confidence

One of the most enduring reasons to get your MBA (or even EMBA) goes far beyond the “so-called” traditional reasons for going back to grad school (starting with increasing your pay check). It also extends much further than your expanded business network and the knowledge that you pick up along the way, including bettering how […]


Knowledge, Networks, and Branding

It’s what you know. It’s not what you know, it’s who you know. It’s not who you know, it’s who knows you. Knowledge, networks, and branding. You have to start somewhere, and the logical starting point is to acquire knowledge. Society understands the importance of this, which is why primary and high school education can […]


Great managers select for talent

I am in the process of reading “First Break All the Rules” by Marcus Buckingham & Curt Coffman. The book makes the insightful point that great managers understand the difference between skills, knowledge and talent: Skills are abilities that may be acquired by training. For example, a mathematics teacher must be skilled in arithmetic, a […]