Innovation Strategy

Time vs Money

(Source: Flickr) If you had all the time in the world but not much money, then your capacity to create new ideas and connect with people would be great, but your capacity to consume would be limited. On the other hand, if you didn’t have much time but had a lot of money, then your capacity to create new […]



Where do you place value? (Source: Flickr) ONE of our heroes, New York based consultant Alan Weiss, has a unique perspective on wealth. He regularly shares the view that “wealth is discretionary time”. The reason his approach to wealth is so striking is that most people, at least those of us living in Western market based economies, tend […]


What is the purpose of a business?

MAINSTREAM economics would have you believe that the purpose of business is to maximise profits. If a business loses money it will soon go bust, this much is clear. Profit is necessary for any ongoing business operation, however the fact that a business makes a profit does not explain the purpose or raison d’être of […]


The 48 Laws of Power

PEOPLE are motivated to succeed in business for different reasons. Some people want to change the world and some just want to make money. If you go to business school or listen to CEOs speak at annual meetings you’ll hear a lot of talk about money: how much money, made by whom, from which activities, […]