
Love vs Lock In

Economists love to talk about “scarcity” and the fact that we live in a world of limited resources. However, in the digital world this need not necessarily be the case. Phil Libin of Evernote is of the view that if you’re in a traditional industry like minerals extraction or transportation, then customers will either go […]


Maintaining Market Power Online

In an age of rapid digital disruption, how can you retain market power and continue to prosper online? There is a lot of misinformation and confusion about how to compete in the digital landscape, and one of the points of confusion is about the power and value of content. There is a new company called The Grid, which you may […]


Monopolies on the Internet

(Source: Flickr) When the Internet was still a toy a decade or so ago, many business leaders and strategists didn’t believe that it would be possible to create a profitable business online. The reasons given to support this belief were many and various. Some argued that business on the Internet would never work because it is impossible […]


Barriers to Entry

You may want to launch a new product, start a new business or enter a new market. What’s stopping you? BARRIERS to entry are costs that must be paid by a new entrant but not by firms already in the industry.  Barriers to entry have the effect of making a market less contestable and allow […]