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Itay Talgam: Lead like the great conductors


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Talgam takes a look at the leadership styles of some of the great conductors.

There are at least 6 different styles of leadership that Talgam highlights:

  1. Enabling a shared story: You can lead by enabling individuals and groups of people to express and share their personal stories at the same time. Leadership through community building.
  2. Command and control: You can dictate exactly what should happen and when. Although this style of leadership may produce great results, it does not give people autonomy or allow them to grow and develop. Worker satisfaction is likely to be low.
  3. Hands-off leadership: You can let it happen by itself. By sending a clear signal that you are in control, people will know that they need to play by the book.
  4. Encourage cooperation: You can lead by indicating what needs to happen but not providing clear or detailed instruction. This will encourage people to work together in order to figure out what needs to be done.
  5. Create a process and the right working conditions: You can create a process for people to follow. Since people understand the process they can then personalise the process and add their own interpretation to the work.
  6. Doing without doing: If you love something you should set it free. Get out of the way and let great things happen.

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