Consulting Industry

Consulting Firms in Australia, 2015

(Source: Flickr) Applying for consulting roles in Australia, or thinking about it? We have updated our list of Australian consulting firms, which includes a list of firms along with information such as firm background, services, sectors, office locations, and links to the most relevant careers websites. It might come in handy. To download the document, click here (it’s free).

Career Advice

Building Consulting Relationships

(Source: Flickr) This post considers how to build consulting relationships. Some people appear to believe that the goal of attending networking events is to collect as many business cards as possible. This was always the wrong approach, however in a world with LinkedIn, it is also absurd since a person’s business card will contain much less information than […]


Love People and Use Things

Don’t do the opposite (Source: Flickr)

Career Advice

Gaining Consulting Contacts

(Source: Flickr) AS an aspiring consultant, the purpose of networking is to gain industry contacts, learn about your target firms, and obtain names that you can use in your application cover letter (e.g. “I am applying to Bain following my discussion with your Associate John Citizen at the recent New York University careers fair.”). There are various ways to […]


HBS To Ban Management Consultants From The Class of 2018

May amuse. [Hat tip to Roger Look.]