
Software Design: Strategies for Sustained Excellence

In the fast-paced and ever-evolving landscape of technology, the role of a software designer not only requires technical acumen but also a deep understanding of user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design. In this article, we will delve into five attributes that are required to become an outstanding software designer. 1. Prioritizing End Users […]


The Price is Right: Decoding the Art of Product Pricing

One of the most common problems business leaders face is how to price a product. From entrepreneurs putting a new product on the market to executives at a public company revamping a product line, effective pricing is a key pillar of any successful sales and marketing strategy. Moreover, there are many misconceptions about pricing, with […]


Lead Management: Fostering Good Habits in the Workplace

In the previous article, I introduced the concepts of boss and lead management, and it seems clear-cut that the latter is superior and preferable. In this article, I explore why managers might struggle to implement lead management and fall back into the bad habits of boss management. Scenario – The Tardy Employee Consider a classic […]


Boss vs Leader: Two Distinct Management Approaches

No one likes a tyrannical, controlling, and disempowering boss. A heavily top-down approach might have worked in the past but this style of boss management is increasingly ineffective and alienating to employees. In the modern workplace, the best managers have instead embraced a more empowering and collaborative method known as lead management. While most companies […]


Strategy Unpacked: More Than Just Plans or Tactics

Strategy is arguably one of the most overused words in the English language. Most people that use it have no idea what the word means. Yet, being strategic is one of the highest-valued skills in business. Hundreds of professors have dedicated their lives to studying strategy, and consultants are paid fortunes to develop and implement […]


Embracing Diversity in Global Management Consulting

Stepping into a room filled with consultants hailing from diverse corners of the world, a vibrant tapestry of perspectives unfolds before you. Their differences aren’t just acknowledged – they’re celebrated. This scene encapsulates a shifting paradigm in management consulting, where the ascendancy of cultural diversity and inclusion is shaping our collective approach to the challenges […]


A/B Testing: Unveiling the Power of Data-Driven Decisions

In the ever-evolving world of software development companies strive to deliver the best possible user experience to ensure that products meet the needs and expectations of customers. One of the most valuable tools that businesses can employ  to reliably satisfy customer needs is A/B testing. A/B testing, also known as split testing, is a powerful […]


Enterprise Strategy Teams: Charting a Path to Success

In the ever-evolving landscape of business, enterprises face the challenge of charting a clear path towards success and sustainable growth. For instance, when the retail giant, Walmart, faced stalling sales due to stiff competition from e-commerce platforms, it was challenging to formulate a roadmap into the future. Navigating through uncertainty and making strategic decisions requires a […]

Social Enterprise

Can a Business Have Social Impact and Make a Profit?

When people talk about having an impact in the world, they are usually thinking about serving at a food kitchen or administering vaccines in Africa. Usually, these ideas are not associated with business or making money in general, which are often characterized as selfish. This idea likely stems from the history of philanthropy, which was […]


From Clunky to Captivating: Unleashing UX to Drive Profits

User Experience (UX) has emerged as a critical component of software application development, playing a vital role in shaping the success and profitability of technology based ventures. This article explores the history of UX, the role of software designers, the profound impact UX/UI has on the bottom line of businesses, and the various aspects that […]


Understanding Your Target Market: Discovery Calls

Most entrepreneurs and product managers (PMs) know that they need to find out what people want. In this article, we will look at how to conduct what is called ‘customer development’ – the process through which a business comes to understand the needs, pain points, and behavior of potential customers through direct conversation and feedback. […]


Governance: Transforming Organizational Culture

In the realm of business, the term “governance” conjures images of stale bureaucracy, mundane meetings, and rigid roles. However, such perceptions fail to capture the potential impact of governance to influence the actions, cognitions, and emotions of individuals. Effective governance can serve as the bedrock of organizational culture, which shapes perceptions, attitudes, and interactions throughout […]

Human Resources

How a Collaborative Culture Can Attract Young Professionals

Consulting is about more than financial return on investment (ROI). Success is fueled by the knowledge, skills, talent, and efforts of individual consultants. As Generation Z comes of age, it is important for consulting firms to understand the hopes and expectations of the newest cohort of graduating talent. Their experience of the workplace is already […]


Effective Governance: Overcoming Bias and Inertia

Effective governance serves as the bedrock for organizations, providing a framework for sound decision-making, personal accountability, and strategic direction. In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, where disruption and uncertainty are the norm, robust governance structures have never been more important. However, larger businesses often face challenges that hinder the efficacy and efficiency of their governance […]


Transforming Governance Through Modern Technology

In today’s rapidly evolving world, organizations across various sectors are recognizing the transformative potential of introducing innovation into their governance processes. The traditional methods of governance, often characterized by bureaucratic hurdles, delayed decision-making, and limited stakeholder engagement, no longer meet the demands of the modern era. However, by harnessing the power of modern technology, organizations […]


Achieving Startup Success via Product-Market Fit

In entrepreneurship, failure is common. Consider this sad statistic: out of 10 startups that are founded this year, only 3 will still exist three years from now. Of these, only one will reach maturity and make significant revenues. Many have accepted these numbers as an inevitable part of the entrepreneurial process. Others have developed theories […]


The Innovator Inside: How to Overcome Institutional Inertia

As technology changes the business environment at an increasing rate, established companies have become increasingly innovative. Despite their best efforts, however, large companies are often unable to keep up with technological change due to bureaucracy, legacy systems, pre-existing business models, institutional inertia, and financial constraints. The purpose of this article is to suggest five habits […]

Social Enterprise

CSR: Collaborating with NPOs for Positive Social Impact

As companies experience more success, there is a growing trend towards increased emphasis on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). According to a Harvard study, around 90% of companies on the S&P 500 published a CSR report in 2019, compared to just 20% in 2011. Large companies now recognise that the environment and communities in which they […]


Strategy of War – Business Lessons from the Battlefield

Military strategy has long been a source of wisdom for the field of business, inspiring countless comparisons. Despite the fact that we now use nuclear warheads and drones rather than swords and cannons, timeless battlefield principles will likely never become obsolete. This article will consider three examples from military history that can examined to better […]


Biz Dev and Sales: Two Pillars of Business Success

Business development and sales are two of the most critical components of any successful business. They are closely related, with business development focusing on identifying new opportunities and building relationships, and sales being the process of actually closing deals and generating revenue. In this blog post, we will explore the key elements of business development […]


Mastering Time: Three Strategies for Increasing Productivity

Whether you’re a busy professional, a student, or an entrepreneur, time management is a crucial skill for anyone looking to increase their productivity. Effective time management involves an ongoing and regular process of organising your schedule so that time is allocated to all of the important aspects of your life. This includes not only your […]


Winning Isn’t Everything: The Art of Playing Well

Imagine going the Olympics and crossing the 100 metre finish line in first place. Arms raised in triumph, and revelling in the glory of your success, you are a hero! However, the very next week you make your way back to the starting line and ready yourself for the starter’s gun. *Bang* You run the race over […]


Sound Psychology: Hacking Music for Optimal Performance

When it comes to tools for the workplace, you have your mouse, keyboard, chair, and monitors. Now whether you have your own office, share a common workspace, reside in coffeeshops, or work from home, you almost always need one more thing – music. Countless studies have been done to connect music to increased concentration, reduced […]


Personal Branding is your Trademark in Consulting

Charles R. Swindoll wrote, “first impressions never have a second chance”. The first time you interact with an individual they will form a perception of you. Although this opinion may be biased and untrue, once established it takes on a life of its own, and will require a lot of time and effort to change. […]

Human Resources

Personality at Work – Why Aren’t We More Ourselves?

Whilst the workplace has become more personal in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, which forced a convergence of issues like wellbeing and professionalism, showing too much personality at work has ironically yet to gain widespread acceptance. Although professionalism inevitably involves a certain amount of restraint, this frequently goes too far. Nowadays people often fear […]


Become a Sponge: Seek Out and Soak Up Information

Dave Balter, CEO of social marketing company BzzAgent, argues that: “Most highly successful leaders really aren’t the smartest people in any room. Rather, they have something that sets them apart. That something is sponge and stone …” According to Balter, a sponge is someone who tirelessly seeks out and absorbs new information. They read voraciously. […]

Human Resources

The Hidden Psychology of Workplace Wellbeing

One of the greatest by-products of the otherwise awful period of COVID-19 was a more universal workplace emphasis on well-being. Whilst some companies did have wellbeing on their corporate agendas before the pandemic, there was often no formal protocol to follow on how to safeguard or advocate employee wellbeing. As a result, attempts were often […]


Remote Work & Office Work – Discovering the Mutual Benefits

Whilst remote working has brought many benefits – increased flexibility, reduced travel costs, and resulting lower pollution – it has come with its own set of drawbacks. For example, it can be hard to create the same dynamic during an online meeting since the majority of the meaning in our communication is conveyed via body […]


Product Management – What Is It and How to Get Started

Product managers have a dynamic role within companies, sitting at the intersection between business leaders, customers, engineers, and designers. They help to organize the development process so that products meet customer needs and business goals. In this article, I will examine the nature of products and the product life cycle, and break down a bit […]

Human Resources

Human Resources Management – How to Get Started

Human resource teams are critical to the growth of a company since employees typically represent both the biggest operating expense and largest off-balance sheet asset for most businesses. In this article, I will break down a few functionalities of Human Resource teams, and a couple of ways to get started in Human Resource Management. Within […]


Calm Amidst the Storm: Managing Change in Chaotic Times

Life is not all blue skies. To quote poet-philosopher Dolly Parton, “if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain”. The dark clouds of COVID-19 and its aftermath have plunged many people into a deep state of introspection following the shocking realisation of how quickly the rain can set in, and the […]


5 Tricks for Managing Your Personal Motivation

Motivation directly affects how much you are able to achieve in a day. It also affects your mood, focus, and persistence in the face of setbacks. Managing your motivation, and knowing what to do when motivation levels are low, is therefore an essential life skill. It is also a skill which is frequently underappreciated. People […]


6 Leadership Principles Drawn from Psychology

Since leadership is about influencing people to act in a certain way, and psychology is the study of the human mind, it is sensible to combine the two disciplines. What can one tell us about the other? Drawing principles from psychology reveals a number of useful leadership lessons that are widely applicable – be it […]


Time Management 101: Time is Currency, Spend it Wisely

When talking of money, it is normal to use the verb “spend”, which draws our attention to the fact that the amount of money anyone has is limited, usually by their income. This means any money given to a certain purpose is money sacrificed. It cannot be used for other things. The same is true […]


Teamwork 101: The Whole Is Greater Than The Sum Of Its Parts

Working alone, in many ways, is much simpler than working as part of a team. You only need to account for your own abilities, work style preferences, and availability. Although group work does have its virtues – not least the access to a much boarder range of knowledge and expertise – it also has its […]


How Business Intelligence Aids Business Decision Making

The business world of the 21st century has grown and advanced so fast, that it is difficult to run a company without business intelligence to assess where one stands against the competition. Business intelligence aids companies by collecting the unstructured raw data from their transactions and transforming it into information which enables the company to […]

Human Resources

9 HR Management Tips to Keep Employees Happy

As leaders, human capital is the most valuable asset we have. Managing people is rewarding, but sometimes we could all use a hand in navigating its complexities. Read on to learn about 9 tips that will make every manager and HR professional’s life easier, and unlock the latent potential in your organisation to drive your […]


Lack of Perspective: When Determination Leads to Disaster

“Persistence” and “perseverance” are buzzwords you will find in almost every job description and in almost any interview. This article suggests that giving these words such stature and priority in the world of work is a mistake, since persistence alone may do more harm than good. Persistence refers to the notion of continuing a course […]


New Leadership for the Twenty-first Century

From the growth of digitalisation and globalisation to hybrid work arrangements employed during the pandemic, society is continuing to evolve. These changes have been accompanied by a shift in business’s approach to management. Understanding the rapidly changing business environment will be essential to ensure efficient and effective leadership going forwards. Change 1: From engaging to […]

Human Resources

Why We Should Talk About Personal Problems at Work

COVID-19 has been a mixed bag for the world of work. Whilst for some it has been a wholly negative experience, bringing redundancy, social isolation, and new erratic working conditions, for others it has brought immeasurable benefits. One such benefit is the ‘humanisation of the professional’. No longer is the label ‘professional’ disassociated from the […]


Consulting Boys Club: What Can Women Do

“Consulting has traditionally been and is still a boys club, particularly at management level”, female McKinsey Consultant. “A lot of times I found myself the only female in the room with another 10-15 males during the steering co-meeting”, BCG project leader. Despite a drive to make equality of opportunity a norm of modern workplaces, women are […]


Consulting Success: Why Curiosity is the Key

Curiosity is a word frequently associated with childhood or domestic pets. When a child is experiencing the world around them for the first time and interacting with their new surroundings, we say they are curious. In the context of pets, curiosity is known to have killed the cat. This post asserts that curiosity is more […]


The Importance of Being Wrong at Work

Being wrong is a natural part of being human. Everyone makes mistakes, misinterpretations, and miscalculations. Unfortunately, another natural part of being human is having an ego, and the accompanying desire for self-preservation. No one likes being seen to make mistakes as it can be embarrassing, cause reputational damage and loss of status, and make us […]

Social Enterprise

Can Consulting Make a Positive Social Impact?

In school, students spend most of their time working on homework assignments and projects, which, despite their importance in reinforcing skills learned in class, have no immediate benefit to the world. Similarly, in traditional management consulting roles, employees often utilize the latest tools to solve their clients’ problems, often without considering the impacts beyond the […]

Human Resources

The Paradox of Teams

The concept of a ‘team’ has been around since the 16th century, and so one would assume that the term is fairly well understood. Whilst teams are an inseparable part of modern business practice, this article seeks to explore why they are actually a conceptual paradox, and what this means for professionals. The Team-Individuality Paradox […]


Acting as Group Leader for a Remote Project

Although commentators have long predicted a shift towards remote working, the Covid-19 pandemic has certainly driven the point home. As we currently stand, the question is not if the work-space will digitalize but to what extent. Most consulting firms have managed the transition to remote working relatively easily, and some have even realised that they […]


6 Tips To Increase Your Website Conversion Rates

If you are running a tech startup, you probably spend most of your time focusing on your product to make it lean, easy to use, and able to solve people’s problems. However, if you want to be successful you need to reach a lot of people, and so it is important to increase your conversion […]


What Motivates Business Leaders and Investors?

One of the key challenges of succeeding in business is finding the motivation to do the work necessary to achieve audacious goals. Since there is no shortage of motivational speakers, self help gurus, visionary CEOs, and spiritual leaders, it would seem odd that motivation can sometimes be hard to come by. Part of the reason […]


The Importance of Coachability

The ability to learn faster has become a more valuable asset as the amount of knowledge produced continues to grow on a daily basis. When starting a new position, you will need to learn the technical skills and background knowledge to perform on the job. During these transition periods there is a large knowledge gap […]


Parable of the Sadhu

Business ethics have existed since bartering started, with philosophers from Aristotle to Rawls discussing concepts of justice in monetary terms.  In a modern sense, business ethics started in the United States in the 1970s with the rise of anti-big business protest groups. Business schools have taken it as their responsibility to teach ethical practices to […]