B-School / Consulting Clubs

How to Win Your Consulting Case Competition

Are you signed up for a case competition, ready to showcase your skills and get a quick resume-building experience? Maybe you’ve been a part of a team that for some reason failed to even make the first cut because of inexperience or a lack of cohesion. Or maybe this is your first exposure to case […]


The Price is Right: Decoding the Art of Product Pricing

One of the most common problems business leaders face is how to price a product. From entrepreneurs putting a new product on the market to executives at a public company revamping a product line, effective pricing is a key pillar of any successful sales and marketing strategy. Moreover, there are many misconceptions about pricing, with […]


Inflation: Understanding its Impact on the Economy

Understanding inflation is essential for comprehending the global economy and predicting how changes in inflation are likely to impact economic activity, employment, and asset prices. Inflation, which refers to a general increase in the price of goods and services, results in a reduction in the purchasing power of money over time. Since 2008, the rate […]


The Fed: Chairmen More Powerful Than Presidents

This is the second article in a series about the U.S. Federal Reserve. The Fed has significant influence over much of the U.S. economy, which in turn impacts economic growth and government policies worldwide. Thus, Jeremy Powell, current chairman of the Fed, is arguably the most powerful man in the world — in some ways […]


The Fed: What is the Federal Reserve System?

In recent years, the news has been filled with stories about the impending collapses of the banking system. The Federal Reserve (the Fed) influences U.S. interest rates. Since the U.S. dollar is the global reserve currency, this means that the Fed also influences the level of interest rates around the world. As a result, Fed […]


Strategy Unpacked: More Than Just Plans or Tactics

Strategy is arguably one of the most overused words in the English language. Most people that use it have no idea what the word means. Yet, being strategic is one of the highest-valued skills in business. Hundreds of professors have dedicated their lives to studying strategy, and consultants are paid fortunes to develop and implement […]

Skills, Tips, and Tactics

Learning to Lead: Communicating with Clients and Teams

In consulting, one of the most coveted and highest compensated roles is that of the engagement manager (EM). This role is crucial to the functions of a consulting firm. They often have significant influence on the success of a consulting engagement, as they often interact directly with clients and oversee engagements end-to-end. Similar roles are […]

Social Enterprise

Can a Business Have Social Impact and Make a Profit?

When people talk about having an impact in the world, they are usually thinking about serving at a food kitchen or administering vaccines in Africa. Usually, these ideas are not associated with business or making money in general, which are often characterized as selfish. This idea likely stems from the history of philanthropy, which was […]


Understanding Your Target Market: Discovery Calls

Most entrepreneurs and product managers (PMs) know that they need to find out what people want. In this article, we will look at how to conduct what is called ‘customer development’ – the process through which a business comes to understand the needs, pain points, and behavior of potential customers through direct conversation and feedback. […]

Career Advice

Navigating the Landscape of Career Options

Have you ever questioned whether you are on the right career path? Have you ever wondered if you would have been better off choosing to pursue a different industry, role, or company? For most people, uncertainty is uncomfortable and is to be avoided at all costs. Many people spend their entire lives changing from company […]


Achieving Startup Success via Product-Market Fit

In entrepreneurship, failure is common. Consider this sad statistic: out of 10 startups that are founded this year, only 3 will still exist three years from now. Of these, only one will reach maturity and make significant revenues. Many have accepted these numbers as an inevitable part of the entrepreneurial process. Others have developed theories […]

Skills, Tips, and Tactics

Overcoming Data Collection Challenges in Consulting

During one of my recent consulting experiences, I received a piece of advice from my supervisor that saved our engagement. His advice was specific to consulting, but applicable to other areas of business too. I was assigned to a typical strategy engagement – should client X selling product Y increase sales in market Z? Our […]


The Innovator Inside: How to Overcome Institutional Inertia

As technology changes the business environment at an increasing rate, established companies have become increasingly innovative. Despite their best efforts, however, large companies are often unable to keep up with technological change due to bureaucracy, legacy systems, pre-existing business models, institutional inertia, and financial constraints. The purpose of this article is to suggest five habits […]

Skills, Tips, and Tactics

LinkedIn Hacks for Management Consulting Applicants

LinkedIn is an often overlooked part of the management consulting application. A candidate might spend hours on their resume and cover letter but put little thought into their LinkedIn profile other than a profile picture and a cheesy blurb in the “about” section. LinkedIn is actually a key part of the management consulting application. Although […]


BRICS Currency – How Will It Affect International Business?

BRICS – Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa – are the group of five major emerging economies that have been a serious topic of discussion in recent years. These countries have some of the largest populations and have experienced rapid economic growth and increasing global influence over the past decade. These countries have been […]


Strategy of War – Business Lessons from the Battlefield

Military strategy has long been a source of wisdom for the field of business, inspiring countless comparisons. Despite the fact that we now use nuclear warheads and drones rather than swords and cannons, timeless battlefield principles will likely never become obsolete. This article will consider three examples from military history that can examined to better […]


Startup Panic: How VC Investors Caused the Collapse of SVB

On March 10th, Silicon Valley Bank went bankrupt. Federal regulators had to take over operations to avoid economic disaster. Due to the Federal Reserve’s determination to curb inflation it has consistently hiked interest rates for the last 12 months, an outcome that SVB and many other banks failed to anticipate. As a result, SVB suffered […]


How to Win Friends, Get Hired & Rise Through the Ranks

Ever felt guilty for engaging in networking? Remember the pit in your stomach for getting to know someone at a target firm when you know that “getting the referral” or “getting the job” is your real motive? We’ve all done it, and it is not uncommon to feel ingenuine while networking. However, networking has always been […]