Skills, Tips, and Tactics

Why Soft Skills are Necessary in Landing a Consulting Job

As Marcel M. Robles once said, “soft skills have more to do with who you are than what you know”. We have machines to deal with hard skills that are physical, repetitive, and require basic cognition. Learning hard skills will prepare you to work with these machine-like abilities. However, building up your soft skills will […]

Consulting Industry

IT Consulting: What’s All the Fuss about ‘Soft Skills’

Roaming through a series of management books and business coaching sessions, one can easily feel overwhelmed by the constant reappearance of certain buzzwords. ‘Resilience’, ‘agility’ and ‘holistic thinking’ are all features of effective business management that have gained widespread consensus approval, but the meaning behind these catchphrases often becomes blurred by the hype. I believe […]

Skills, Tips, and Tactics

Importance of Developing Soft Skills in Consulting

As I start my consulting career, some of the questions that I keep coming back to are: How can I stand out amongst all of these high achieving and well educated individuals, especially in the beginning? What skills do I need to develop? What are the keys to longevity at my firm and the greater […]


5 Soft Skills that are Critical in Consulting Interviews

Most consulting firms are wrapping up their recruitment process for this year and offers have been sent out. The hard skills help you do the analysis, but once you’ve got an answer, you need client buy in. To get client buy in, you almost always need exceptional soft skills. As a result, the consulting firms […]