
How to Handle Rejection from a Consulting Firm

According to Business Insider, the odds of getting hired by McKinsey & Company are less than 1%, although this is not unique to McKinsey. To secure a final round interview at Bain, you would have to be in the top 3% of applicants for that office. No one enjoys being turned down, especially in the […]


What are the potential risks of digital currency?

In the previous two articles, we explored the questions ‘what is digital currency?’ and ‘what is the value of digital currency?’  In this article, we will examine the potential risks.  Why are some people hesitant about digital currency?  What could go wrong? In outlining the potential risks of digital currency, we are not making predictions […]

B-School / Consulting Clubs

Staying connected after completing the MBA

There are various reasons why people decide to pursue an MBA including career advancement, career change, wanting to start a business, and professional networking. Most MBA programs teach the same core topics: finance, marketing, human resources, negotiations, strategy, consulting and organizational management. What really distinguishes a program from its peers are the students that the […]


What is the value of digital currency?

In the previous article, we explored the question ‘what is digital currency?’  In this article, we will examine the value of digital currency. Why would anyone want to use one? What benefits do they bring? Digital currency derives its value primarily from confidence.  If people have faith that the currency will be accepted by others, […]

Skills, Tips, and Tactics

The Mistakes of Junior Consultants

Everyone was new once. For many of you, that first day is still to come. In this blog post, we will focus on three things that young analysts need to be aware of. Some mistakes are avoidable if you can get your head around them. Others you will probably notice yourself doing anyway. Hopefully you […]