
Interview Season for New Grads

It is easy to put a lot of pressure on yourself during interview season, especially when your classmates are receiving interviews for firms you’re interested in. Have patience though, your time will come and the wait will be worth it. This blog post is mostly about what to do when you receive an interview at […]

Career Advice

Creating a winning résumé

A résumé is a sales document which presents a factual account of your skills, knowledge and experience in the best possible light to help you win an interview 1. The importance of a résumé A résumé is a factual presentation of your skills, knowledge, experience and proven abilities and an indication of your potential.  The […]

Career Advice

Cover letters win interviews

1. The importance of a cover letter A COVER letter is a short one page sales letter that accompanies your resume as part of your job application. The cover letter is important because it creates a first impression of you with your potential employer. The main purpose of a cover letter is to obtain an […]


Case Interview Guides & Books

THIS list of guides and books is a a work in progress. If you come across any other useful resources that I haven’t listed here, please let us know. Online case interview guides Make Your Case: Master Consulting Interviews | ATKearney – interview casebook Deloitte – 2007 Boston College – Conducting Case Interviews Deloite […]

Career Advice

Researching consulting firms: what do you need to ask?

THIS article looks at some of the questions that you should consider asking in your consulting case interview. After reading this article and one of my previous articles on researching for your consulting case interview, make sure to access the practice case interview questions. Questions, everyone’s asking them Preparing a resume, and building a personal […]

Career Advice

Researching consulting firms: what do you need to know?

THIS article looks at why, how and what to research for your consulting case interview. To get started with your interview preparations, take a look at my list of consulting case interview practice questions. Preparing for an interview with a consulting firm can be a difficult task. Having obtained an interview, you will need to […]